Saturday, June 11, 2016

The Details

So what exactly goes into the seemingly never-ending process of recovery? It would be impossible to examine every injury in the book. Instead, let’s take a look at a less common surgery athletes across various sports may undergo.

Lateral ankle ligament reconstruction surgery repairs worn and torn ligaments in the ankle caused by repeated or severe sprains. Some people are born with naturally lax ligaments making them more prone to sprains. However, multiple sprains can also cause the ligaments to become loose and unstable. Only about 5 percent of ankle sprains actually require this type of extensive procedure. It does not function as a common fix, but rather one used in extreme cases.

The entire recovery process varies from person to person. Typically, it takes between 6-12 months to get back on the field comfortably and confidently. Here is a glimpse at the typical timeline….

For the first 4 or 5 weeks, the patient is not allowed to apply any pressure on the ankle. However, by week 8 he or she should be fully walking in a boot. After walking, rehab begins to kick into high gear. The next step around the fourth month consists of jogging and regaining the lost muscle. Finally, after month 5, the end is in sight. By month 6, the patient is usually cleared to go back into full physical activity.

Remember this is just a brief overview and the timeline can change depending on the patient’s body. Every athlete’s journey to recovery requires individualized care and attention in order to get back on the field.

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