A pulled muscle might be the most annoying and irritating glitch to occur. This type of injury can happen anytime and anywhere. It may be on the field, in the gym, on the court, or even at home. However, once it does, every little movement is made 5 times more difficult and 10 times more painful. While proper warm ups and stretching can help prevent pulling a muscle, like any other injury, it can never be completely avoided. Therefore, proper knowledge of this kind of treatment is necessary.
Last week, one of my entries focused on the use of cold therapy and in particular, Game Ready. I came across the Game Ready Blog discussing various injuries as well as the benefits of cold therapy during rehabilitation. One particular blog entry, What the Pros Recommend for Pulled Muscle Treatment, accurately lists recommendations for this specific type of injury.
People tend to pull the hamstring and groin more than other muscles. However, the treatment of any type of pulled muscle remains the same.
Compression, ice, and rest.
As much as we would like to shrug off a simple pulled muscle, the annoying pain will not go away without those treatments. By taking a few days off to elevate, ice, and compress the injured area, your body can recover back to its normal functioning state in no time.
Compression, ice, and rest.
As much as we would like to shrug off a simple pulled muscle, the annoying pain will not go away without those treatments. By taking a few days off to elevate, ice, and compress the injured area, your body can recover back to its normal functioning state in no time.
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